Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Invisible wearable chair

The Noonee Chairless Chair is like no wearable we’ve ever seen. It straps to your legs and lets you sit down wherever you are, as if you were perched on a chair. You may look a bit daft, but we absolutely love the concept! Read on to find out more.
Say you’re waiting for a bus. Wouldn’t it be great to sit down for a bit? Now you can, with the Noonee Chairless Chair. It effectively lets you sit down on thin air.
The man behind Noonee – Keith Gunura – worked in a packaging factory, and came up with the concept to help workers who have to stand for hours on end. And when the Chairless Chair isn’t in use, the 2kg device can bend and move with your legs, letting you walk around unhindered.
It’s made out of an aluminium and carbon fibre frame, and variable dampers that support the weight of your body. There’s also a 6V battery that powers the chair and keeps it in the desired position for up to 24 hours.
Here it is in action:
Although it may be designed to boost productivity in the workplace, we can think of some far more worthy uses! The pub queue will never be the same again, festivals could be a lot more comfortable, and never again will you need to argue over that sole remaining seat on the train!
At present, the Noonee Chairless Chair remains a concept, but hopefully it’s only a matter of time before it becomes reality. Check out Noonee’s website to find out more

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