Sunday, July 20, 2014

Nissan cars will park themselves by 2016!

Nissan cars will park themselves by 2016!
While we’re still waiting for the fully automatic, self-driving car that’ll cart us about from A to B to fully become a reality, we’ll have to make do with Nissan’s forthcoming promise. The Japanese car maker is planning on fixing the woes we have when it comes to parking in a tight space, all by introducing cars that are able to do the work for you and automatically whiz into a tight space. Excited? Read on for all the details!
If you’re tired of parallel parking, don’t fret, as Nissan has plans to introduce cars that are able to park themselves, while you’ll also be able to get a break in traffic all by 2016. Nissan’sCEO Carlos Ghosn announced at a press conference in Tokyo that by the end of 2016 the Japanese car maker will bring to market a “traffic-jam pilot”, which will let your car drive itself autonomously and safely on congested highways, saving you some trouble when you’re gridlocked, while its fully automated parking system will also be available on a range of cars, slotting into spaces so you don’t have to.
That’s not all Nissan has planned, as by 2018, the company intends to introduce cars that are able to change lanes and zip by roadway hazards automatically, while by the end of 2020, you’ll find Nissan cars able to traverse through intersections without your input, meaning we’re on the right track for a driverless car future.
Nissan is keen to stress that its technologies are there to enhance road safety by automating everyday tasks, and are there to assist you, rather than fully take control of the car itself. Ghosn has said that truly self-driving cars are still “a ways off”, but if Google has anything to say, it could become a reality much sooner.

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