Monday, July 7, 2014

Android 5.0 Lollipop: What will the KitKat successor be named?

We were definitely sure that Android 5.0 was going to be named Key Lime Pie. We were definitely, definitely sure of that! Well, I guess we weren’t. Now that we can take the foot out of our mouths after the reveal of Android 4.4 KitKat, we now have two questions that are popping to our minds: What’s the schedule for Android 5.0 looking like? And what’s going to be its name if not Key Lime Pie?
android 5 lollypop
Android 5.0 Lollipop?
While we were waiting for news about Android 5.0 being release this year, out of the blue cameAndroid 4.4 KitKat and brought with it two interesting fact:
First, Android 5.0 will not be named Key Lime Pie, if Google follows their naming structure, and that leaves the next naming convention to fall to the letter L. Secondly, Google didn’t seem to choose the name haphazardly, as along with the naming of the latest version of Android after a registered trademark, they also have an advertising bonanza going on with Nestlé., the owner of said trademark.
© Google

So, what comes after KitKat?

Well of course, we’re now interested is what the next version (will it even be Android 5.0? Maybe Google is just going to tease us with Android 4.5, Android 4.6, Android 4.7, and so on) will be called. Will Google continue along its cooperation with other companies to roll out its Operating System releases? Only time will tell I guess. In the meantime, here are my five best guesses as to what the next release might be.

Android 5.0 Laffy Taffy

Laffy Taffy is a very popular brand in North America, a colorfully chewy candy. And best of all for Google? Nestlé owns this as well, so Google wouldn’t have to try to break down the door when it comes to trying to advertise the namesake.
Laffy Taffy Wrapper Small
 © Nestlé

Android 5.0 Lion

The Lion Bar! Again, falls under the Nestlé umbrella so less work for advertising and promotion for Google. The only issue might be with international markets as this is a pretty European brand (you might recognize it more-so as a Mr. Big candy bar if you’re in North America.)
Lion Bar Wrapper Small
 © Nestlé

Android 5.0 Lollipop

You probably thought I was joking when you read the title of this article? However, this would be a relatively common name that would work across different demographics and it’s short and concise. If I were to bet on my own five picks, this would definitely be it.

Android 5.0 Lime Pie

Knock off the Key from Key Lime Pie and what do you get? Something that fits in with the naming convention! People have been talking about Key Lime Pie for so long now, why not just keep it as is?
Key Lime Pie 04
Well, Key Lime Pie is a no-go, but maybe Lime Pie?

Android 5.0 Licorice

This would also be another conceivable name for the next version of Android, although you might think that Licorice is a bit too complicated to pronounce. Outside of the English language, many people wouldn’t really know about it and might have some issues with its pronunciation. But….it is a relatively well know candy and starts with L.

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